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Eating Out – Road Trip

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It can be difficult to stick to your eating plan while traveling, especially while on a road trip. It’s so easy to pull into a fast food drive-thru and takes a little forethought to plan ahead how you will stick to your eating plan while on vacation.

Start with packing items that will get you through when you don’t feel like stopping or when the McDonalds arches beckon to you from a freeway billboard. Pack by putting the items for later in the day at the bottom of your cooler or food box.

Pack plenty of fresh Fruits for breakfast. You may even want to continue eating fresh Fruits until dinner time. They’re easy and will give you a chance to lose a little more weight and cleanse your system of toxins and past dietary mistakes.

If however, you’d rather move up the dietary pyramid for lunch and dinner, then pack:

  • veggie sticks
  • dill pickles
  • Starch or Protein sandwiches
  • fill and roll up whole wheat tortillas or lavosh
  • cold chicken
  • cheese cubes
  • deli-sliced pastrami, proscuitto or ham rolled around spears of cantalope
  • whole grain crackers topped with sliced nondairy cheese
  • cold quiche
  • tuna or chicken salad packed on top of lettuce leaves
  • hard boiled eggs
  • sugar free jello
  • single serving yogurts
  • roasted soybeans
  • french toast made with low carb bread, topped with sugar-free jam

Use the supermarket and deli guidelines to pick up food along the way, putting any leftovers in a cooler.

Use the Eating Out – Fast Food guidelines to pick up fast food along the way.