Daily Archives: June 8, 2009

Basic Information

Food Pyramid

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The bulk of your food intake should come from the top of this inverted pyramid, adding steps as your taste and lifestyle demand, with the foods at the bottom two layers of the pyramid figuring into your life only occasionally. Click onto each area of the pyramid to move to recipes using that food group.

Print this chart out and tape it to the inside of a kitchen cupboard where you can refer to it easily. If you need a little extra motivation you may want to put it on that most glorious and effective of bulletin boards – the refrigerator.

food pyramid

Recipes Starches

Potato Puffs

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Preheat oven to 400 degrees.

Spoon very thick mashed potatoes (or cauliflower mashed “potatoes”) into a piping bag or into a ziplock bag, then cut the corner off. Pipe onto a buttered baking sheet in whatever shape you like. Bake until golden brown.

Even quicker – scoop potatoes with an ice-cream scoop onto buttered baking sheet and bake.


Before spooning into the piping bag stir one of the following into the mashed potatoes:

  • dairy or dairy-free Parmesan cheese before baking
  • pesto
  • any pureed vegetable such as broccoli, cauliflower, celery, spinach …
  • chopped vegetables
  • veggie bacon bits
High Protein Recipes Vegetarian

Country Chicken Casserole

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Amazing what kinds of things you’ll think up when you have hungry kids, little time and even less patience.  Necessity is the mother of …  good recipes 🙂

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

Melt a little extra-virgin olive oil and butter in a flameproof casserole dish or Dutch oven.

Add 4 cups fresh or frozen chopped vegetables and saute until al dente.

Turn off heat and stir in

  • 2 cups cooked chicken
  • 1 cup shredded cheese
  • 1 can condensed cream soup
  • 1/2 cup sour cream, creme fresche or yogurt (I like to mix 1/2 sour cream and 1/2 yogurt)

Bake, uncovered for 20 minutes until hot and bubbling. Sprinkle 1 cup shredded cheese over top of casserole and bake for another 10 to 15 minutes until cheese is melted.

This recipe is so easy to vary and have a completely different dish each time. Below are some of my favorites, but please add to the Comments if you come up with a winner.

Broccoli with Cream of Chicken or Cream of Celery Soup
Mushrooms with Cream of Mushroom Soup
California Veggie Mix with Cream of Celery Soup
Cauliflower with any cream soup
Asparagus with Cream of Asparagus, Cream of Chicken or Cream of Celery Soup