You could of course use an ice-cream maker, but if you’re dying for a cold bowl of creamy fruitiness right now just get out your blender. Use just enough fresh Fruit juice, or nondairy milk to puree your choice of frozen Fruit. Use store-bought frozen Fruit or freeze your own.
When making “ice cream” I like to use the full fat versions of nondairy milk (which at most is still only 7%) as it gives the finished product a richer flavor. Another option is to add some half and half or lo-fat buttermilk.
You can get away without adding any sweetener, but you may find that your kids and guests prefer some sweetener and/or flavoring.
I’ve provided some suggested combinations below but I’m sure you’ll come up with your own favorites. When you do please feel free to share with other UnDieters by leaving a comment.
Add one or more of the Fruit in parenthesis.
- banana, vanilla, optional: chopped walnuts, almonds, pecans (apple, pear, strawberry, orange)
- banana, unsweetened shredded coconut, pineapple (orange, pineapple, apple, pear)
- strawberry, banana (apple, pear)
- banana, decaf coffee optional: carob/cocoa powder, vanilla, flavoring extracts– don’t use Fruit juice
- any melon, optional: lime juice, (best to use the juice from your melon, or apple, orange, or pear juice)
- chopped dates, banana, optional: chopped walnuts, almonds, pecans
You’ll need to stop the blender occasionally to scrape down the sides. The mixture should be smooth, creamy and thick (except for the chopped nuts, which you’ll stir in at the end if you’re using). If you’ve used too much liquid, add more Fruit and puree until you have the right consistency.
Note: sometimes the above technique just doesn’t work to give you an ice-cream consistency. In that case pour the mixture into a metal or plastic container. Don’t use glass as it can crack in the freezer. Freeze and stir with a fork every 30 minutes until your “ice cream” is the right consistency. The right consistency is however you like it!