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Tag Archives: Fruit

Internal Cleansing

Juicing Appliances For The Alkaline Diet

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In my health consulting practice I’m finding that many people would benefit greatly from a high alkaline diet. Alkalizing foods are those that have a negative Potential Renal Acid Load (PRAL) value. This is a calculation that is based upon the quantities of nutrients and minerals that foods contain. Negative values indicate alkaline foods while a positive value means a food has an acidifying effect. The goal of this diet is not to only eat alkaline foods, this could lead to adverse consequences. But typically our diets these days are too far on the acid side of the spectrum, so adding more alkaline foods is going to be good for us.

If you are trying to follow an alkaline diet then it would be useful to have a juicer machine. This can help you increase the amount of alkaline foods you consume in your diet. When you discover that alkaline foods are simply fruits and vegetables, it is hard to argue against it. We have been told since childhood that fruits and vegetables are good for us. This diet simply attempts to put a scientific spin on why this is.

Since consuming more fruits and vegetables is good for us in so many ways, the more that we can consume each day, the healthier we will be. But trying to eat large quantities of fruits and vegetables can be time consuming and there is obviously a limit to the amount we are able to eat. This is why juicing for health really can work wonders. It is very easy to make orange juice or an apple and carrot drink that contains up to five servings of fresh produce. Imagine having a couple of these drinks each day. This would give you so much fruit and vegetable nutrition it would most certainly have an alkalizing effect in your body and very soon start to make you feel full of energy each and every day.


Fruit First

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If you’re on a high-protein or low-carb diet plan then this Step isn’t for you. Fruit is too high in carbohydrates if you’re relying on your body’s metabolic reaction to a Protein Binge for weight loss. We’ll take a look at the Protein Binge Breakfast in a later issue which would be a more appropriate breakfast choice for you. That said, you should still be aware of the basics of Fruit First as we’ve found that when weight loss on a high protein diet plan stalls, carb loading will often kick you back into weight loss mode.

The single most effective step in successful weight loss, using the power of properly combining whole foods, has been shown to be the living Fruit breakfast. This step speeds along the process of eliminating the waste products that your body is still working to rid itself of from the previous day. It also ensures that you have at least one meal each day, that is nothing but living foods. We’ll talk more about living foods and their contribution towards weight loss in an upcoming UnDiet Step.

This Step is all about changing your breakfast habits. You’ll eat nothing but fresh or frozen Fruit, (no canned Fruit, because the canning process cooks the Fruit) until noon. During weight loss, go easy on the bananas, dried Fruit, and watermelons as these cause your insulin level to rise too high. Eat as much Fruit as you need to feel satisfied, either all in one sitting or staggered throughout the morning.

When you get up in the morning it’s good to start with an UnDiet compatible beverage such as a glass of water, a cup of herbal tea, water with fresh lemon or lime juice. Skip high-glycemic sweeteners and Fruit juice during weight loss. If it’s not morning without a cup of coffee in your hands, switch to decaf and use only nondairy milk, cream, half and half and/or Splenda, Sweet ‘N Low or Stevia if you must have sweetener in your java. A half hour later you might fix a bowl of fresh Fruit. An hour or two later you might have a Fruit shake. Whatever it takes to make you glad to wake up to another day on the UnDiet.

Note: Eating nothing but fresh and/or frozen Fruit in the morning until noon is one of the most important ways to achieve your weight loss and health goals. I realize though that there will be some mornings that through either circumstance or mood nothing but fresh Fruit is not possible. When that’s the case, go ahead and have a whole grain, sugar-free cereal or other UnDiet compatible breakfast food along with as much Fruit as possible before or with the meal, but not after the meal. Wait two hours after you’ve taken your last bite and have a large beverage. Continue enjoying UnDiet compatible beverages until lunch.

Tips & Tricks

If you don’t have time in the morning, or if you’re afraid you’ll lose your resolve when faced with a banana and a blender when what you really want is a bowl of Lucky Charms, blend up a Fruit shake the night before. I like to make up a big batch of Fruit shakes and then I have them for several days. It’s more difficult to make up a Fruit salad the day before as most cut Fruits turn brown after an hour or so. I do however wash grapes, cut up melons, strawberries, and citrus Fruits, putting them in baggies or airtight containers, as they keep very well for a couple of days this way. This also makes them easy to snack on when you want “just a little something”. You can also find pre-sliced apples in most grocery stores.


  1. Eat nothing but fresh or frozen Fruit until noon.
  2. Read through the recipes and print out any you want to make up:
  3. Make up a shopping list.
  4. Go shopping.
  5. Be prepared by cutting up Fruit and making shakes the day before or on the weekend.
  6. Keep sulfur-free dried Fruits on hand for when you’re in a hurry or especially hungry. If you’re having trouble feeling full, dried Fruit will make you feel full longer than fresh Fruit.
  7. For those of you who have not read through the blog and therefore don’t know what to eat during the rest of the day, go to The UnDiet Basic Guidelines. They’ll get you through your day as you continue to receive supplementary information through the UnDiet Steps.
Dessert Recipes

Fake It Ice-Cream

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You could of course use an ice-cream maker, but if you’re dying for a cold bowl of creamy fruitiness right now just get out your blender. Use just enough fresh Fruit juice, or nondairy milk to puree your choice of frozen Fruit. Use store-bought frozen Fruit or freeze your own.

When making “ice cream” I like to use the full fat versions of nondairy milk (which at most is still only 7%) as it gives the finished product a richer flavor. Another option is to add some half and half or lo-fat buttermilk.

You can get away without adding any sweetener, but you may find that your kids and guests prefer some sweetener and/or flavoring.

I’ve provided some suggested combinations below but I’m sure you’ll come up with your own favorites. When you do please feel free to share with other UnDieters by leaving a comment.

Add one or more of the Fruit in parenthesis.

  • banana, vanilla, optional: chopped walnuts, almonds, pecans (apple, pear, strawberry, orange)
  • banana, unsweetened shredded coconut, pineapple (orange, pineapple, apple, pear)
  • strawberry, banana (apple, pear)
  • banana, decaf coffee optional: carob/cocoa powder, vanilla, flavoring extracts– don’t use Fruit juice
  • any melon, optional: lime juice, (best to use  the juice from your melon, or apple, orange, or pear juice)
  • chopped dates, banana, optional: chopped walnuts, almonds, pecans

You’ll need to stop the blender occasionally to scrape down the sides. The mixture should be smooth, creamy and thick (except for the chopped nuts, which you’ll stir in at the end if you’re using). If you’ve used too much liquid, add more Fruit and puree until you have the right consistency.

Note: sometimes the above technique just doesn’t work to give you an ice-cream consistency. In that case pour the mixture into a metal or plastic container. Don’t use glass as it can crack in the freezer. Freeze and stir with a fork every 30 minutes until your “ice cream” is the right consistency. The right consistency is however you like it!