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Benefits of Owning a Portable Treadmill

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Have you purchased fitness equipment only to move it to your garage, shed, or basement? And once the workout equipment is out of sight, you of course, forget about it and stop using it. Your expensive treadmill, Bowflex, rowing machine … ends up gathering dust and taking up storage space that could be put to better use.

The problem many people face when buying home gym equipment is space. These machines don’t look that large at the department store or even online, and you think that they will fit fine in your spare bedroom, but once the machine is in your home, you realize that it is much larger than it seems. In order to save space the machine gets moved out of the house and is never used again.

Portable gym equipment can help you remedy this situation. There are many different options available, but a portable treadmill, in particular, is a great way to have workout equipment in your home without concern for taking up too much space. They can easily be stored and taken out when needed for a workout, with convenient and easy folding on the machine.

There are both manual and electric models available. The most portable options will be the manual units because they are lighter than most electric ones available, most weighing as little as 50 pounds, making them easy to move from place to place. Besides the benefit of portability, these machines also have a display to help you track to fitness progress with a calorie counter and distance and time indicators.

Most motorized treadmills will come with many more features and benefits than their manual counterparts. One great example is the NordicTrack EXP2000. It is a motorized portable treadmill that has 9 built-in workouts to keep you motivated and help you avoid boredom. These machines are heavier than the 50lb manual options, but are easier to use and have more features.

If having gym machines in your home is appealing, but you are short on space, consider getting a portable treadmill for their space saving benefits. They can be a much better investment than bulky machines that will end up not being used.