Monthly Archives: July 2009


Eating Out – Italian

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It’s a bit difficult to eat at an Italian restaurant and stick to your UnDiet. The reason that most of us go to an Italian restaurant is for the pasta and very few Italian restaurants offer whole grain pasta. Don’t despair though, it is possible to enjoy Italian delicacies on the UnDiet.

Basic Tips for Eating Out

Set aside half your meal to eat the next day or if it won’t keep for the next day, save it for a snack later.


Skip the bread, pizza and pasta (all made with white flour), or bring your own whole grain pasta and ask the chef to cook it for you. I’ve never run into a restaurant that won’t accommodate a request like this.

If you must have pizza, don’t eat the crust. Either use a fork to eat just the cheese and toppings or order a plain green salad and scrape the pizza toppings, cheese and all, onto your salad.

Bruschetta on whole wheat bread.

Caesar Salad – set the croutons aside.

Ask for spaghetti squash or another vegetable in place of the pasta. Top with your favorite sauce from the menu.


Antipasto is a good Protein Meal.

If you’re ordering a Caprese Salad skip the olive oil. Good mozzarella and tomato only needs a drizzle of balsamic olive oil and basil leaves.

There are generally good seafood dishes on the menu although you should skip breaded seafood dishes.

If you must have a cream sauce look for cream sauces with non-dairy additions. For instance a Roasted Garlic Cream Sauce is going to be about 250 calories less than an Alfredo Sauce.

Stuffed mushrooms are wonderful if they are not deep fried.

Chicken or Eggplant Parmigiana.

Meatballs – order grilled vegetables on the side, then give the pasta to someone else at your table and eat your meatballs with the vegetables.

Spinach dip with vegetables instead of bread.

Caesar Salad with chicken.

Broth based soups are good choices. A cream soup would be your next best choice and if you can get a cup of plain broth on the side to add to your cream soup, even better. Adding the broth doesn’t cut any fat or calories from your cream soup but it will be more filling.  If you want to cut the calories ask for an empty cup along with your cup of broth. Scoop out some of the cream soup and add the broth to your soup bowl.

Order your favorite pasta sauce served over grilled or steamed vegetables instead of pasta.

If you’ve had a Protein Meal, the gelato isn’t a bad choice for dessert, or have a glass of wine while everyone else eats dessert.

Fruit Kid Friendly Living Food Neutral Recipes

Cinnamon Banana Pudding

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Puree in blender:

  • 2 bananas
  • 10.5 ounces or 2 cups soft tofu
  • 3 tablespoons maple syrup
  • 1/4 teaspoon cinnamon.

Double this smoothie and use the extra to make Cinnamon Banana Sorbet for later in the day.

Cinnamon Banana Ice Cream

Freeze smoothie mixture, stirring every 30 minutes with a fork until it’s the desired consistency or throw it into an ice-cream maker.

Tip: an ice-cream maker transforms any smoothie into a healthy treat!

UnDiet Eating Plans

Produce Power

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Produce Power is the quickest way to lose weight for two reasons:
1. you’re getting at the real cause of your excess weight, a build-up of toxic waste in your system.
2. You cannot gain weight when eating raw food.

Produce Power is simply, eating (almost) nothing but raw fruits and vegetables.

If your normal diet consists of soda (diet or not), processed foods, anything that leaves your fingers orange after eating it, white bread, white rice, potatoes, sugar and other unwholesome foods it can be uncomfortable to begin a diet with Produce Power because of the way your body may react to detoxification on such a powerful level. It would be best to practice the UnDiet for at least a week before going on the Produce Power plan. Even then you may still experience headaches, diarrhea, light-headedness, nausea, bloating, gas, achiness, loss of energy, anxiety, or nasal dripping. While uncomfortable, these are all ways that your body is using to get rid of toxic wastes that have been hampering you for years. If any of these symptoms occur, don’t worry, and don’t take any over the counter meds, just continue eating healthy raw foods and these symptoms will gradually dissipate.

This is why I suggest starting the UnDiet with the Basic UnDiet Plan, and practicing Produce Power for one or two days per week. Once you’ve been enjoying healthy whole foods for at least a couple of weeks then you can do Produce Power for a week or two though. This is how you’ll experience quick, safe and healthy weight loss, as well as incredible energy. But I want to stress here that if you don’t like Produce Power just keep to the UnDiet guidelines and enjoy your life and weight loss.

If your diet up to now has been relatively healthy (whole grains, dairy-free, sugar-free) you should be able to start the UnDiet here at Produce Power without an extreme reaction.

You’ll be eating nothing but fresh fruits and mostly raw vegetables with oils, vinegars, herbs and spices for flavor. Don’t worry about the calories you’re consuming, DON’T COUNT THEM, EAT THEM! Don’t be afraid, this really does work.


Start the day with a glass of fresh juice, herb tea, plain filtered water, or filtered water with a squeeze of fresh lemon or lime juice. If you can drink your lemon/lime “tea” without sweetener, all the better, but if you must you can add honey, real maple syrup, Stevia, or erythritol.

When you wake up in the morning your body is still eliminating the food you ate the day before. You don’t want to tax your body by forcing it to begin digesting another meal, so from the time you wake up until noon, you’ll eat nothing but fresh or frozen fruit. No canned fruit. If you like, you may also drink freshly made fruit juice that you make yourself, or purchase from a juice bar or grocer that extracts its juices daily. No canned, bottled or frozen juice concentrates. Heating fruit destroys all its benefits to your body including the enzymes needed to itself digest properly.

If you have trouble digesting fruit you may try eating celery or lettuce with your fruit. If you do choose to combine these veggies with your fruit, try eliminating them after a few days and you’ll most likely find that your body has adjusted to the fruit and you’re now able to digest things you couldn’t eat before without discomfort.

Check out The UnDiet Fruit With Attitude for some delicious alternatives to a simple bowl of fruit.


You want to try to make 70% of each meal raw veggies (or fresh fruit) as this is what facilitates the hyper-digestion of your food, helping you to lose weight. I don’t always want to make every meal with 70% raw veggies, so

I’ve come up with some creative ways to introduce raw veggies into dishes that when you taste you wouldn’t believe it’s raw.

Ten to twenty minutes before lunch drink a large glass of water or an UnDiet approved beverage.

Make a vegetable salad. The best salad dressing to use would be a mashed avocado thinned with lemon or lime juice and seasoned with sea salt. If you can’t get hold of an avocado then you could use a dressing that contains no preservatives, sugars, chemicals, or high fructose corn syrup.

Don’t worry about using oil in your dressing, although if you can cut back on the oil by adding a little more balsamic vinegar, lemon or lime juice go ahead. Note: I love balsamic vinegar, but on Produce Power it’s much better to use lemon, lime or orange juice instead. However, since the idea is to eat as healthy as you can and still enjoy your food, you can pick your deviations.

During the winter months I find it very difficult to eat a completely raw veggie salad so I would sauté or roast up some veggie combos such as:
• eggplant and onion
• bell peppers, eggplant and onion
• zucchini and onion
• shitake mushrooms, zucchini and onion
• potatoes and onions
• potatoes, zucchini  or bell peppers and onion

I try to use veggies that I wouldn’t like served raw. Serve on a bed of lettuce or other raw veggies, making sure that at least 70% of the salad consists of raw veggies. Drizzle a salad dressing over everything.

Or you may prefer having raw veggie sticks for lunch, plain or with a dip. Just make sure that the dip is chemical and sugar free. Check out the UnDiet Vegetable Dip recipes (coming soon).


You should have at least one snack between every meal and the best snack to continue detoxifying your body is fresh fruit. Next best would be raw vegetables.


Your best choice is filtered water or unsweetened hot or cold herb tea. Next best is: decaf black tea, decaf coffee (hot or cold) made from filtered water – no milk although cream is okay since it’s mostly fat. I usually keep a pitcher of one of the following in the fridge: any Celestial Seasonings Zinger teas, or Good Earth decaf (they have an organic version now!). I also love to squeeze a little fresh lemon or lime juice into my water.


Twenty to thirty minutes before dinner enjoy a large beverage.

A fruit or veggie salad, or if you need something warm for dinner, try one of the suggestions below:
• Vegetable or mock chicken broth with fresh vegetables both cooked, and raw as a garnish (diced or shredded tomatoes, zucchini, carrot, avocados, red onion, or mushrooms are great raw garnishes). Try to keep 70% of the soup raw veggies.
• Steamed or roasted vegetables, mixed with 70% raw veggies.
• Bowl of chopped fruit, warmed with spices such as pumpkin or apple pie spice, cinnamon, or vanilla.


• best choice is fresh fruit or fresh fruit juice
• raw veggies
• warmed vegetables, plain or with salt and oil or any other spice you like
• veggie soup

Stop eating at least two and preferably three hours between your last meal (20 minutes if you had a fruit meal) and when you go to bed.

If you’re primarily eating from the basic UnDiet plan it’s a good idea to switch to Produce Power for one day a week. If you’ve been on Paleo, low carb, or gluten free for any amount of time take three to five days on Produce Power to clean your system out.

High Protein Living Food Recipes Vegetarian

Tomato with Feta and Basil

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You must have really fresh tomatoes for this salad to work. If the skin is tough then use it for a cooked tomato dish instead. I was first served this dish when on an interview for a writing job and while I didn’t take the job, I’m still eating this dish.

Top a thick slice of tomato with a leaf or two of fresh basil and a thin slice of feta cheese.

Optional: sprinkle with black pepper and drizzle with a little extra-virgin olive oil and balsamic vinegar.


High Protein Kid Friendly Recipes

Spicy Italian Stuffed Meatloaf

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This is a basic meatloaf recipe with a twist. If you have a favorite meatloaf recipe, go ahead and use it, as long as you substitute whole grains for any bread or crackers.

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

Mix, working just enough to blend, or meatloaf will turn out heavy:

1 cup ground pork rinds (you can use whole wheat or high-protein bread crumbs if needed)
1 medium onion, chopped
3/4 cup chopped roasted unsalted nuts. If all you have are the salted variety reduce the salt to 1 teaspoon.
1/2 cup cold tomato juice, broth or ice water
2 eggs
1 & 1/2 teaspoon salt
1 & 1/2 teaspoon Italian seasoning
1/4 teaspoon black pepper
2 pounds ground meat (lamb, turkey, beef or mix of meats)

Sprinkle a large sheet of wax paper, saran wrap or aluminum foil with water. With wet hands, pat out meatloaf mixture into a 9×13-inch rectangle.

Savory Stuffing

You may double this recipe and use it later to prepare Savory Stuffed Bread.

Saute until translucent:

1-1/4 cups onions, diced
2 tablespoons butter


3/4 cup spinach, chopped (you may substitute bell pepper) and cook for 3-4 minutes (if using frozen spinach squeeze well to get rid of most of the water)
1 1/2 cups cauliflower or zucchini, finely chopped

1 tablespoon Italian seasoningsalt to taste

Cook on low heat until the vegetables are al dente. Optional: add 1 tablespoon fresh parsley, chopped

Pat 1 cup of the stuffing mixture evenly over the surface of the meatloaf, leaving a 1-inch border around the edges. Using wax paper, foil or saran wrap to help lift, roll the meatloaf up into a cylinder and gently press seam closed. Pick up roulade in wax paper, foil or saran wrap and roll off  into prepared loaf pan.

Using a knife cut 5-7 1/4-inch slashes in the bottom of an aluminum loaf pan. Place the meatloaf mixture in the pan. Place the pan inside a larger loaf pan or casserole dish so that there is some space between the bottom of the two pans. This procedure allows the juice and fat to drain off, which would otherwise form a jelly-like substance around the meatloaf.

Bake 50 minutes, or until a thermometer inserted in center of loaf reads 160 degrees, or juices run clear when you cut a deep slit in center of loaf. Let stand 10-15 minutes. Pour off juices and fat, if you didn’t use the 2 pan method described above.

Pour the tomato pasta sauce onto a plate and top with a slice of the stuffed meatloaf.