These tips were originally published to help those doing the Isagenix Cleansing and Fat Burning Program Internal Body Cleanse, however the tips presented here can work with Master Cleanse or any other natural internal body cleansing. Wherever the tips refer to an Isagenix product I will include a substitute item that you may already have in your own kitchen.
9. Find a Cleansing Partner to help keep each other accountable and provide encouragement and support.
Check out the following resources for a Cleanse Partner:
- Exercise Friends
- Craigs List – go to the Community Section under Activities. If you don’t find anyone looking for a Cleanse Partner, post a request yourself. You just might inspire someone to get healthy with you!
10. Do something during your cleanse that boosts your spirit, such as caring for a loved one or doing something kind for a stranger.
11. Avoid activities and/or places where you will be likely to eat such as:
- watching television
- going to the movies
- lunch or dinner with friends
12. Don’t avoid being around people, just make sure to plan ahead so that socializing doesn’t include food.
13. Understand what’s happening to your body.
Cleanse for Life™ offers gentle cleansing botanicals (not laxatives) that encourage better digestion and absorption of nutrients as well as B vitamins such as niacin that help to produce a healthy metabolism, improve blood flow and eliminate impurities. Because your body is releasing toxins and stored fat you may experience more frequent bowel movements that have a color different than your normal bowel movements.
14. Don’t forget to take IsaFlush!®, Natural Accelerator™ and Ionix® Supreme.
This is not a sales pitch to purchase more Isagenix products. These products support circulation, fat burning and provide the proper nutrients that your body needs to sustain itself during your cleanse.
15. Drink plenty of purified water.
This will improve your skin, boost your immune system and mood as well as aid in weight loss. To determine the minimum amount of water you should drink daily, weigh yourself and divide that number by two. That’s how many ounces of water you should drink each day.
16. If you’ve hit a weight-loss plateau, try adding a scoop of IsaPro® to your IsaLean® Shake on Shake Days.
This is a practice that athletes use to increase their protein intake and may help boost your metabolism also. If you don’t have access to IsaPro Protein Powder or IsaLean Shake Powder you can substitute any natural or organic protein powder supplements.
17. Experiment with new beverages, such as:
- spicy tea (caffeine free)
- low-sodium organic vegetable soup- try Isagenix Creamy Chicken or Savory Tomato soups.
- low-sodium organic vegetable broth
- strong teas such as a hibiscus or mint tea or double the tea bags in your favorite tea
- Isagenix Greens mixed with cold or hot water
- Ionix Supreme mixed with cold or hot water – no more than two ounces a day
18. Eat light snacks throughout the day to maintain blood sugar levels.
* Isagenix Snacks!™
* IsaDelight™
* unsalted almonds
* organic raw veggies
* organic hard boiled eggs
* organic apples
* organic sugar free applesauce
19. If you’re choose to exercise, do so gently. Your body needs time to rest and rebuild. Try gentle stretching, short walks, Pilates or yoga.
20. Register for the Isabody Challenge!
There’s nothing like a contest to inspire motivation! Scroll down to the links for Coaching Calls for inspiring articles and helpful tips and guidelines. Once you’ve signed up with Isagenix you can register for the Isabody Challenge.
21. Bonus Tip: Don’t do a liquid cleanse for longer than 2 days in a row or more than 4 days in a month.
Severely depriving your body of calories for longer periods of time can alter your metabolism so that continued weight loss and maintaining your weight loss are much more difficult.
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