Category Archives: Vegetarian

Low Calorie Recipes UnDiet Eating Plans Vegetarian

300 Calorie Day

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We haven’t talked about the Rotation Diet here on The UnDiet – I’ll do that in an upcoming post, but I did want to give you a taste of how easy it can be to do what most people would think is impossible and that’s to have only 300 calories in a day and not be hungry.

On 300 calorie days you’ll want to use salad dressings and sauces that are 25 calories per tablespoon (or less) so that you don’t use up the majority of your calorie allotment on jazzing up your salads and veggies . I’ve included a recipe in this post, but for those of you who are crunched for time most health food stores carry these in the produce section by the lettuce or on the shelf in salad dressings section, or you can whip up your own by combining yogurt and herbs seasoned with sea salt and black pepper – my Yogurt Dill Dressing recipe will show you how it’s done and you can create endless variations from there.

Oh and if you’re checking my math and wondering why it doesn’t add up, when doing the Rotation Diet you don’t count the calories in fruits or veggies, so they’re freebies. Eat as many fruits and veggies as you want. That’s the secret to staying out of the “gorilla hunger” zone.


40 calories

  • apple slices dusted with cinnamon
  • coffee with 2 tablespoons half & half


50 calories

  • green salad tossed with 2 tablespoons Yogurt Dill Dressing
  • artichoke cut in half, hairy choke removed and cooked with cut side down until tender in a broth made of white wine, vegetable broth, garlic and balsamic vinegar, allowing the broth to boil down so that the cut side of artichoke is carmelized.

Quick version: use frozen artichoke hearts instead of whole artichokes. Don’t use canned artichokes, they’re a whole different animal – a bit tough and vinegary. If you use canned artichokes you’ll not be satisfied with your lunch salad. If you’re not satisfied with your lunch salad you’ll start to think that eating healthy doesn’t really work. If you start thinking that eating healthy doesn’t work then you’ll start eating junk food. If you start eating junk food then you’ll start gaining weight and feeling lousy. If you start gaining weight and feeling lousy, you’ll get really really grumpy. If you get really really grumpy then … well you get the picture – don’t use canned artichokes.


50 calories

  • celery sticks with 2 tablespoons any 25 calorie/tablespoon dressing
  • Imagine Foods Butternut Squash Soup thickened  or vegetable broth with pureed roasted onion and/or cauliflower.
  • 1/2 whole wheat roll


120 calories

  • 2 cups lite popcorn (if no cream in your coffee you can melt 1 teaspoon butter and 1 teaspoon honey, drizzle over popcorn, toss until well mixed – m-m-m, who needs caramel corn?!)
  • sliced apples


Yogurt Dill Dressing

1 serving = 2 tablespoons

Per serving: 19 calories, 1.5 net carb, 2.3 grams protein, .5 grams fat,

Since I use this recipe in my Rotation Diet menus (and another version in my low carb menus) I’m using low calorie ingredients and including the calorie count as well as the carb count for any low carbers using this.

Even if you’re going for the low calorie bang, be sure to use real mayo, not the light stuff which contains added sugar and other ingredients to make up for the loss of fat.

Stir together:

1 cube dill pesto or 2 tablespoon fresh dill, chopped
1 cube parsley pesto or 2 tablespoon fresh parsley, chopped
1/2 cup 2% Greek yogurt
2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice
2 tablespoons mayonnaise
1/4 teaspoon black pepper
1/4 teaspoon sea salt
1 clove garlic, minced


At the end of the day, you’ll have lost around a pound – maybe a little more, maybe a little less. That’s a nice way to recover from a day or two (or a lifetime) of unhealthy eating. Rinse and repeat.

High Protein Low Carb Recipes Vegetarian

Cheesy Frittata Dinner Menu

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I love a good frittata. I’ve given you a specific recipe but really you can add any vegetables or cheese that you have handy.

Since I’ve been working on this series of low carb recipe books I’ve been focusing on low carb, high protein recipes, however if you don’t tell anyone they’ll never know this is a “diet” dinner. It’s not low calorie, but it is low carb or Paleo (if you leave off the cheese).

Cheesy Italian Frittata


1/2 onion, diced
1 clove garlic, diced (2 roasted cloves)
1-1/2 cups egg whites, or 6 whole eggs
1/4 teaspoon sea salt
1/8 teaspoon pepper
14-16 ounce jar roasted red peppers, drained (save juice to add to salad dressings or a soup)
1/2 cup diced or shredded mozzarella
1 tomato, chopped
1/4 cup flat leaf parsley, chopped


Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

Saute onion and garlic for 5 minutes in a little olive oil in 10-inch ovenproof skillet over medium high heat:

In bowl stir together eggs, salt, pepper and roasted peppers and pour into the skillet with the onions and garlic.

Cook for 5 minutes without stirring then place in oven and bake for 10 minutes. Take frittata out of oven. Turn oven temp to broil. Sprinkle cheese over top of egg mixture. Broil 3 minutes. Cut into wedges to serve. Top with chopped tomatoes and parsley.


Zucchini & Mushrooms


4 cloves garlic, minced
5 cups sliced zucchini
3 cups sliced mushrooms
1/4 teaspoon dried rosemary, crushed in your hand or 1/2 teaspoon chopped fresh
1 teaspoon dried thyme or 2 teaspoons fresh
1/4 teaspoon sea salt
1/4 teaspoon black or white pepper
1/2 cup white wine or broth


Saute garlic, zucchini, mushrooms, rosemary, thyme, salt and pepper over medium-high heat in a little olive oil for 1 minute.

Add white wine and cook 6-8 minutes longer until veggies are tender-crisp.


Pesto Stuffed Celery Sticks


8 ounces softened cream cheese
3 tablespoons storebought or home-made pesto – try basil or sun-dried tomato
celery sticks


Mix cream cheese and pesto. Pipe or spoon into celery sticks.


Green Salad

Dress your greens with this dressing from my book “14 Days – 14 Pounds – Low Carb Daily Eating Plan Volume 1”.

Balsamic Dressing


3 tablespoons balsamic vinegar
2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice
1 tablespoon Dijon mustard
2 garlic cloves, grated on a fine grater
¼ teaspoon each salt and pepper
½ cup extra virgin olive oil


Whisk together all ingredients except olive oil. Slowly whisk in olive oil. Taste and adjust season if needed.
You could also prepare this dressing a blender by buzzing the first four ingredients, then while leaving the blender on slowly pour in the olive oil.


Recipes Vegetarian

Trader Joe’s Red Pepper & Basil Quesadilla

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One of my favorite lunches is a quesadilla hot off the griddle. Quesadillas are a perfect way to use up small items in your fridge while enjoying a healthy and portable lunch.

I started with one of TJ’s organic whole wheat and corn tortillas. I covered the tortilla with TJ’s mozzerella soy cheese and a sprinkle of shaved Parmesan cheese. I prefer not to mix proteins with starches however a tablespoon of Parmesan cheese really takes this quesadilla to a new level. Then I layered the following ingredients on 1/2 of the tortilla:

thinly sliced red bell pepper

thinly sliced red onion

torn basil leaves

torn mint leaves (I only added the mint leaves because I wanted a bigger quesadilla and didn’t have enough basil – you can skip the mint leaves without affecting the outcome)

Place the tortilla with it’s fillings in a lightly oiled pan over medium-high heat. When the cheese has melted and the bottom of the tortilla is a little past lightly browned. I like my quesadillas to have a crispy tortilla. I really think it adds to the flavor of the final product.

Once the tortilla is browned to your liking, slide the quesadilla onto a plate and fold the unfilled side over the filled side. Sit down to lunch with a gigantic smile on your face.

If you’re counting carbs then you’ll want to know that this quesadilla is 22 net carbs and if you use a whole wheat low carb tortilla then you can shave this down to 6 net carbs!

If you’re counting calories then you’ll be happy to hear that this lunch will set you back 230 calories and if you use a whole wheat low carb tortilla then you’ll be even happier to hear that this lunch will be only 150 calories!

If you’re eating vegan, you can skip the Parmesan cheese or use a vegan Parmesan.

High Protein Recipes Vegetarian

Hot Chocolate Almonds

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This isn’t your grandmother’s hot chocolate. These chocolate spiced almonds are spicy hot!

If you’re not concerned with the carb count you can use any nut that you like, but if you’re counting carbs then stick with the nuts in this recipe.


1 pound raw almonds, hazelnuts, pine nuts or peanuts

2 tablespoons coconut oil

2 teaspoons chili powder

¼ teaspoon ground cinnamon

¼ teaspoon cocoa powder

½ teaspoon salt


Place the oil in a large skillet over medium-high heat. When the oil is hot add the nuts and cook for 5 to 7 minutes, stirring often, until the nuts are slightly darker and you can smell their nutty deliciousness.

Mix together the spices in a small bowl or cup and sprinkle over the nuts. Continue to cook for 1 minute, stirring often. Remove from heat. Transfer to a bowl. Eat when cooled to room temperature. Store in an airtight container in the refrigerator or a dark cupboard.

Nutrition Info:

6 servings = 6 net carbs.

I included the carb count with this recipe because it’s one of the recipes in my new book “14 Days – 14 Pounds” which gives you two weeks worth of extremely low carb menus and recipes with the carb counts figured out for each day. If you’re interested in receiving notice when this book comes out on Kindle (there will be several days when it’s available for free!) just subscribe to this blog using the box in the upper right corner.


Beverages Dessert Fruit Kid Friendly Living Food Neutral Recipes Vegetarian

More Fruit Smoothie Recipes

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Basic Fruit Smoothie Instructions:

Place ingredients in a blender – a food processor won’t give you a smooth puree, an immersion blender will work, but not as easy as a counter top blender.


Mixed Fruit

1 frozen banana
2 cups mixed fruit
1 cup fresh fruit juice


Papaya – Nectarine

1 papaya, peeled, seeded, cut into chunks
1 medium nectarine, pitted, cut into chunks
1 cup fresh orange juice
1/4 cup nondairy milk


Creamy Pineapple

I prefer this shake made with dates, almond extract and orange juice, and no rum extract. But that’s me, you may love it without dates and with rum extract. When I make this drink for guests I make it how I like it, and pour it into glasses for some of my guests. Then I add the rum extract for the rest of my guests, and viola! everybody’s happy.

1/2 pineapple, cut into chunks
1 banana
1/4 can coconut milk(there is a light version that most supermarkets carry in the Asian foods section which I think tastes watery, but you can boost the flavor with coconut extract)
3 dates, chopped (or 2-3 tablespoons honey, date or maple sugar)
(almond extract )
(rum extract)
(juice from 1-3 oranges)

Creamy Pineapple Berry

This is a variation of our Creamy Pineapple Smoothie

1/2 pineapple, cut into chunks
1 banana
4 large strawberries, tops removed
1/4 can coconut milk(there is a light version that most supermarkets carry in the Asian foods section which I think tastes watery, but you can boost the flavor with coconut extract)
3 dates, chopped (or 2-3 tablespoons honey, date or maple sugar)
almond extract, optional
rum extract, optional
1 tablespoon fresh lime juice


Raspberry – Watermelon

2 cups seeded watermelon, cut into chunks
1 cup raspberries(fresh or frozen)
1 cup ice cubes or 1/2 cup fresh apple or pear juice
2 tablespoons date or maple sugar


Creamy Almond

2 bananas
1 apple, cored & peeled
1/4 cup almond butter
dash of sea salt
glug of vanilla


Coconut Orange Cream

4 oranges, peeled, sectioned, membrane and seeds discarded
1 banana
2 cups coconut milk (if you use light coconut milk, bolster the flavor with coconut extract)


Tropical Cream

Grind to a fine crumb in blender:

1/2 cup shredded coconut, unsweetened
1/2 cup date pieces

Add and blend until pureed:

1 tablespoon vanilla
(1/4 cup honey)
1 cup fresh orange juice
2 bananas
2 cups sliced peaches, peeled, fresh or frozen


Beverages Living Food Neutral Recipes Vegetarian

Juicing Smuiching – We’re Having Smoothies!

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I promised you some of my veggie smoothie recipes, which if you think about it is really a drinkable soup. Still you can’t just pour soup in a cup and go, well you can, but it won’t be a smoothie, it will be a cup of broth. It’s best to have a smoothie that tastes good cold and is, well smooth (chunk free).

I’m really enjoying taking a veggie smoothie with me when I’m out running errands. Eliminates the need to stop for nourishment, keeps me hydrated and I like having something delicious to sip on as a change from drinking plain water.

If you want a perfectly smooth smoothie then you’ll want to peel and de-seed all vegetables. I don’t always (as in never) have the time and I like to get the nutrition contained in the peels and seeds, so I leave them in.

When pureeing vegetables, roughly chop the veggies, place a little liquid in the blender, then the veggies and buzz until smooth, adding more liquid if needed. Once the veggies are pureed, then you can add the rest of the ingredients and buzz until well mixed.

Depending on the broth or tomato juice that you use you may or may not need to add salt or pepper to your smoothie. So my suggestion is to make the smoothie without adding any salt or pepper, taste and add if needed.


Cucumber Salsa Smoothie

1 medium cucumber
1 large tomato
1/4 cup fresh salsa
1/4 fresh cilantro
1/2 cup salsa juice, tomato juice, vegetable broth or water


Virgin Bloody Mary

This recipe didn’t take much imagination on my part but it sure is delicious!

3 stalks celery from the heart, including leaves
2 teaspoons prepared horseradish
1 teaspoon chopped shallot
dash Worcestershire sauce
1 teaspoon celery salt
1 teaspoon kosher salt
12 dashes hot sauce, or to taste
2 limes, juiced
1 (48-ounce) bottle tomato juice

Chop the celery, including the leaves, and puree in a food processor or blender. Once the celery is pureed add the remaining ingredients and buzz until smooth. Pour the mixture into a large pitcher, add the tomato juice, and stir.


Cucumber Dill Smoothie

1 large cucumber
1 cup vegetable broth
1 cup silken tofu or yogurt
1/4 cup fresh dill or 1 to 2 tablespoons dried dill
salt and pepper to taste
Add more broth if needed.


Mediterranean Smoothie

This recipe is based on one of my favorite soups. I substituted cucumber for the eggplant in the original recipe as eggplant does not taste good raw – trust me, it does not.

3 medium tomatoes, chopped (about 3 cups)
1 large cucumber, chopped (about 2 cups)
1 red bell pepper, chopped (about 1 cup)
1 medium onion, chopped (about 1 1/4 cups)
3 cups canned tomato juice
2 tablespoons fresh herbs (such as tarragon, thyme, or parsley), chopped
1/4 cup apple cider vinegar
2 cloves garlic, peeled and finely chopped
juice of 1/2 a lemon
cayenne pepper

If too thick thin with additional broth or tomato juice.


Creamy Tomato Smoothie

I love creamy tomato soup so I came up with this recipe for a creamy tomato smoothie. You can change it up by using 1 cucumber in place of 2 of the tomatoes.

1/2 cup plain yogurt or silken tofu
1/2 cup tomato juice or vegetable broth
2 large tomatoes, quartered
1 celery stalk, chopped
1 tablespoon fresh dill or 1 teaspoon dried
1 tablespoon onion, chopped
salt and pepper to taste
If smoothie is thick thin with broth or tomato juice.


Smoothie de Tortilla

Since Sopa de Tortilla is one of my favorite soups, I was looking forward to developing a smoothie recipe that incorporated the same flavors.

If you can’t find a Sopa de Tortilla broth you can use a canned Sopa de Tortilla as long as it doesn’t contain pieces of chicken.

2 cups Sopa de Tortilla broth
2 large tomatoes, quartered
1/4 to 1/2 cup cooked corn
salt and cayenne pepper to taste
Thin with additional broth or water if needed.

High Protein Living Food Neutral Recipes Vegetarian

Prepare Ahead Packable Low Calorie Low Carb Salads

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Have you ever found yourself standing in front of the fridge so hungry that you can’t even think. No? Well I have plenty of times. For those of you who are often in the same quandry I’ve put together a selection of easy (no measurements and infinitely customizable to use what you already have) make-ahead salads that will be ready to go when you are. Plus they’re perfect to pack up and take along to work, on a hike, to a picnic …

Note: if you’re looking for a Neutral or Vegetarian salad instead of a Protein salad just leave out the meat, cheese or egg. It won’t hurt these recipes at all. Infinitely customizable 🙂

Spicy Peanut Cucumber Salad

Diced or sliced cucumber, green onion (both white and green parts), tossed with Trader Joes Spicy Peanut Vinegarette.

Optional Garnishes:

  • toasted sesame seed
  • toasted pumpkin seed
  • toasted sunflower seed
  • diced waterchestnut
  • crumbled dried seaweed
  • baked tofu

Ranch Coleslaw

Toss a bag of shredded coleslaw with any sugar-free ranch dressing. Add one or more of the following if you like:

  • chicken or turkey
  • shredded carrot
  • sliced celery
  • diced or shredded jicama
  • diced or shredded zucchini

Orange Cucumber Salad

Diced or sliced cucumber dressed with Trader Joe’s Orange Muscat Champagne Vinegarette and tossed with one or more of the following:

  • tomato
  • bell pepper
  • zucchini
  • ham or proscutto
  • radishes

Optional Garnishes:

  • feta cheese
  • green or red onion
  • crumbled bacon
  • diced hard-boiled egg
  • olives
  • toasted nuts: walnuts, pecans or almonds
  • toasted seeds: sunflower, pumpkin or pine nuts
Internal Cleansing Low Calorie Neutral Recipes Vegetarian

Juice Fast Diet for Quick Weight Loss

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A juice fast is usually a last ditch diet effort to lose stubborn weight because the diet is extreme. However, it can be highly effective for those who manage to stay on this rigid diet.

The main benefit is that this is a quick weight loss diet. You can lose anywhere from one to four pounds daily in the beginning of a juice fast, slowing down to about a pound a day as the fast progresses. It is not unusual to see someone drop 30 pounds on a 30-day fast and that kind of weight loss can be transformative.

Staying on this diet is a challenge but for those who have staying power, the benefits far exceed weight loss. Fasting has been shown to be a healthy practice that detoxifies the body and cleanses the blood.

Here are a few recipes to use during a juice fast;

  • 6 carrots
  • 6 kale leaves
  • 4 stalks celery
  • 4 beets
  • 2 turnip
  • 1/2 lb. spinach
  • 1 head cabbage
  • 1 bunch of parsley
  • 1/2 of an onion
  • 1 clove garlic
  • Place all ingredients in water and gently boil until vegetables are tender. Drain liquid for use during fasting.

Here is a lemon juice recipe that speeds detoxification

  • 4 tablespoons fresh lemon juice (approximately 1 lemon)
  • 4 tablespoons pure maple syrup
  • 1/8 tsp. cayenne pepper
  • 32 oz steam distilled water

While you can drink commercial juices, make sure you avoid any juice that contains sugar or artificial ingredients. It is better to lean more toward vegetable juices instead of fruit juices. It is typically recommended that you sip 4 to 8 glasses of juice throughout the day and also drink an additional 6 to 8 glasses of filtered or purified water throughout the day.

It is also important to know that you might feel the effects of detoxification, especially in the early days of the fast diet. Flu-like symptoms are the common symptoms of detoxification. If you feel ill, increase your juice intake by an additional glass to slow the detoxification process.

Recipes Starches Vegetarian

Comfort Food Without The Calories – A Healthy Minestrone Soup

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As fall starts to come the chill in the air starts to make you want warm comfort foods, instead of reaching for the creamy cheesy carbohydrate loaded concoction that you think might make you feel warm and cozy, go for another warm food that won’t wreak havoc on your diet. When looking for how to lose belly fat through your diet, this low-fat, healthy, Minestrone soup is a a great option. This lean soup is full of vegetables, and a great source of lean protein. Soup is an excellent meal choice when you’re watching your diet because it’s very filling. You want to be sure you stick to the water-based soups, and not cream based soups. Cream based soups are typically high in fat and calories.

Healthy Minestrone Soup Ingredients:
2 TBS olive oil
5 red potatoes, cubed
5 carrots, sliced
1 medium onion, chopped finely
3 cloves garlic, chopped
1 (6 oz) can tomato paste
1 (15 oz) can kidney beans, rinsed and drained
1 (15 oz) can garbanzo beans, rinsed and drained
1 (14 oz) can chicken broth
6 cups of water
3 TBS diced fresh basil
2 TBS diced fresh oregano
1 TBS salt
2 cups uncooked small shaped pasta

Combine olive oil, potatoes, carrots, onion and garlic in a large pot over medium heat. Mix in tomato paste, beans, water and broth. Add basil, oregano and salt. Cook for 30 minutes, or until vegetables are tender. Continue to stir. Add pasta to pot. Continue cooking until pasta is tender. You really can add any vegetables you want to this soup to up your servings of vegetables for the day. Also, to save yourself time you can use frozen vegetables, and pre-cook the pasta while the rest of the soup is cooking, and then stir it in at the end.

This is a great meal for a cold day. Serve up with some whole grain bread and you’re set. Continue reading for more fat burning recipes

Living Food Neutral Recipes Vegetarian

Delicious Healthy Salad Recipe to Help You Lose Weight

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As half of your plate should consist of salad and/or vegetables, it helps to have lots of healthy and tasty salad recipes at hand. Bulking up your meals with salad and/or veggies is also a great way to cut down on the calorie and fat. To help you with some tasty and healthy salad ideas, I will share with you one of my favorite recipes. Here it is:

Tomatoes in Spicy Dressing

The first time I made this recipe I was extremely impressed. It is one of the most delicious salads I have tasted yet.


Serves: 4
Number of fat burning foods: 3 (tomatoes, chili spice and avo oil)
Calories per serving:225
Fat per serving:17.5g

  • 700g large ripe tomatoes, sliced
  • 1 red onion, sliced
  • 4 pickled gherkins

For the dressing:

  • 2 tablespoons avocado oil
  • 2 tablespoons balsamic vinegar
  • 1/2 teaspoon chili powder
  • Salt and pepper to season

Cut the gherkins into thin slices length ways and then into thin strips. Mix all the dressing ingredients to make a dressing. Arrange half of the tomatoes in a dish, followed by some onions and gherkins. Continue layering until all the ingredients are done. Pour the dressing over the salad and leave to stand for 5 minutes before serving.

I hope that you enjoyed the salad recipe and that you make it also one of your favorites. It goes great with almost anything. Adding salads to your meals will help you to get lots of vitamins and minerals in your diet so that your body can become healthier and stronger. It will also help you to eat less of the foods and it may even help you to lose weight.

Just remember that to be more healthy and to maybe lose some weight, you also have to exercise regularly. The best exercises for weight loss are cardio and weight training. One of my favorite cardio machines is the eliptical exercise machine. And for weight training I prefer adjustable dumbbells.

2 Calorie Salad Spritzers!

Delicious and only 2 calories per spritz! You can dress a salad for under 20 calories! That’s amazing! And these taste good, just make sure to shake them up before spritzing so you don’t miss any of the flavor.