If you are looking for diet programs that can teach you how to lose weight, make sure to opt for one that is easy to follow. Aside from that, you’ll want to make sure that the program you choose will not require you to starve yourself or to skip meals. If you’re new to the world of weight loss take a look at some of the most popular diet programs out there today and choose whichever one most appeals to you. Don’t worry about making a wrong choice. You can’t go wrong with any of the plans below and if you decide you don’t like the plan you choose just choose another one. Pretty simple đŸ™‚
- Macrobiotic Diet: this diet is focused on the consumption of foods that contain high amounts of fiber and low fats. A Macrobiotic Diet includes foods such as whole grains, fruits, vegetables, beans, soups and soy products. There has been some evidence that this diet is helpful to those who are suffering from cancer and various diseases, although this has not yet been proven.
- Glycemic Index Diet: is considered as one of the easiest diet programs for women to successfully lose weight with. It is especially beneficial to pregnant women and to diabetes patients. The GI diet focuses on foods that are low in fat, moderate carbohydrates, high protein and high fiber. It also includes a considerable amount of vitamins and minerals. Your food choices include cherries, porridge, celery, red kidney beans, barley, fat free milk, high fiber whole grain, nuts, pasta, organic fruits, skinless chicken, vegetables that are low in starch and foods that contain high amount of omega-3 fatty acids such as fish. The GI diet can help the dieter prolong her workout activities and maintain a normal level of carbohydrates even after intensive exercise. It can also help reduce food cravings and maintain a normal cholesterol level.
- South Beach Diet: this diet promotes the consumption of high proteins, healthy carbohydrates, and unsaturated fats. During the first phase of the diet, you are prohibited from consuming foods that contain high amounts of sugar, high GI vegetables, bread, rice, processed carbohydrates, and fruits. However, you may consume eggs, lean meat, and fish. On the second phase, you are allowed to include fruits and vegetables as well as whole grains into your diet. The third phase is maintainence and at this point you would be adding soy products, beans, fruits, and vegetables to what you’ve already been eating in Phase 1 and Phase 2.
- Mediterranean Diet: this is a very simple diet program that involves eating fruits, vegetables, small amount of chicken or fish, cereals, whole grains, yogurt, cheese, wine and olive oil. The focus of the program is to keep the consumption of saturated fats low and the consumption of dietary fibers and monosaturated fats high.
These are just some of the most popular diet plans most dieters opt for. However, before starting on any of these, make sure to consult your physician or a dietitian first to determine which of these is suitable for you and for your present health condition.