Healthy Products

The Rundown on the Benefits of Sublingual B12

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Vitamin b12 plays an integral role in our central nervous system and in our metabolism and is considered the most important component of the vitamin b complex family. If a person is lacking in this key vitamin, health care experts recommend the use of b12 supplements to nourish the body and bring back lost nutrients. Several modalities of b12 supplements have been introduced to the public which include the tablet or the liquid sublingual b vitamins, that are fast gaining popularity as they are both affordable and effective. They are strategically placed under the tongue for faster absorption and assimilation. More information can be viewed at

To provide you with a broader understanding as to how sublingual b12 vitamins benefits you.

Absorption – one of the biggest factor why sublingual-b12 is most advised by physicians is due to the fact that they are absorbed faster by the body by placing a lozenge or a few doses of liquid vitamin b12 directly under the tongue which instantly takes the nutrients to our blood vessels. Though a brief look at sublingual b12 vs injections would show that the latter is much easier absorbed by the body, it is often too costly and can only be administered by a medical professional.

Retention – the sublingual way of taking vitamin b12 allows for more nutrient retention in the body as compared to the conventional oral pills. Through the sublingual modality, the nutrient easily passes through the blood stream instead of going into the digestive tracts which could reduce the potency of the b12 vitamin.

Cardiovascular health – vitamin b12, in general, has the unique ability to reduce a kind of amino acid called homocystein that damages the arteries, accumulates cholesterol and thus increasing the risk of contracting a heart disease.

Memory power – the sublingual-b12 is also used to enhance brain memory, thus college students have long relied on this supplement to enhance their thought clarity and recall.

Working Out

Keep Your Workout on Point with a Wrist Heart Rate Monitor

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A wrist heart rate monitor is more than a toy for gadget freaks. Used properly, you can get more out of your average workout than you possibly could without the aid of such a device. A heart rate monitor lets you know when you need to push yourself harder or ease up on your exercise with real time feedback.

The operational design of a wrist heart rate monitor is pretty straightforward. Most models take a wireless transmission of your heart rate information from a chest strap (though some models, like the ones in the Mio watch line, have a sensor in the watch band), and compare this to the maximum heart rate prescribed for your age group. If your heart rate goes over or under a certain percentage of the prescribed heart rate (determined by entering your date of birth), the heart rate monitor watch will beep until you bring your heart rate back into the target zone. For a workout of moderate intensity, you can set the zone between 60% and 75% of your maximum heart rate, for instance.

Some of the higher end watches, like Polar F11, have even more features. Perhaps the most significant is the ability to connect the watch to a computer and transfer information recorded by the device to the Web. Most heart rate monitor (HRM) watch manufacturers have their own sites dedicated to user fitness tracking. Once you have your workout stats up on the website, you can review the effectiveness of you exercise habits and make more informed adjustments to your regimen.

Another feature of advanced watches is the ability to accept signals from coded transmitters, which prevent interference from other transmitters used by other HRM watch users. This might not seem like a critical feature, but if anyone you works out in a crowded gym, there’s a high likelihood of encountering interference. If you work out alone, you probably won’t need this feature; but the computer connectivity will still be of great value.

Healthy Products

Lose Weight Safely with Skinny Fiber

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Many people look for weight loss products that will help them lose weight the quickest. However, one important factor they should not overlook is the safety of the product. Many products contain artificial ingredients which may be harmful to the human body. Skinny Fiber is a new weight loss solution that contains only natural ingredients which have been proven to help weight loss. The main active component is fiber which is vital to reducing body fat and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Fiber is usually found in fruit, vegetables, tree extracts and seeds and Skinny Fiber encapsulates these ingredients so that you will not have to waste time consuming them one by one.

When you consume less calories, you lose weight. One way to lose weight is to make yourself feel full so that you eat less. Skinny Fiber follows this principle by making you feel fuller so that you will have a lower appetite and crave less unhealthy snacks. When you do not have cravings, you tend not to eat. There is no need for strenuous exercise or starving yourself to lose weight. Fiber has this natural effect but along with this it also helps to boost your metabolism and helps to cleanse your system.

Skinny Fiber has several benefits. First and foremost, it can improve the absorption rate of minerals and vitamins from foods in your everyday diet. Skinny Fiber can also help you to burn fat quickly by breaking down fat so that your body can burn it quicker than normal. Blood sugar imbalances will be improved and you will notice a difference instantly because is a common cause of hard weight loss. Many weight loss products claim to give you rapid weight loss, however the cost of this may be to your long term health. Skinny Fiber offers a way to safely lose weight without harming your body or giving long term side effects.


Twenty Tips to Getting Skinny Fast

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If you have a goal in mind such as getting a bikini ready body, looking great in an evening dress for a holiday party or you just want to lose weight to feel healthier, then you’ve probably Googled “getting skinny fast”, scoured the Internet for weight loss tips from the last celebrity who lost 10 pounds fast or you’ve tried a Master Cleanse or other juice fast diet. If instead of following the latest weight loss craze you committed to finding a method that works for your lifestyle and personal preferences than you would start to become your own weight loss success story. While the tips below aren’t “The Best Way To Lose Weight Fast” hopefully they will give you some ideas that you can incorporate into your own life to help you reach your weight loss and health goals.

  1. Eat more meals, not fewer. Instead of skipping breakfast and sipping a cup of soup for lunch only to be famished by dinner which tends to give you license to have a “treat” since you ate so well all day, try eating five to six small meals throughout the day. Figure out your ideal calorie intake and divide that out between breakfast, lunch, dinner and two to three snacks.
  2. If you can’t do a long workout on a particular day, then aim to increase the intensity.
  3. Increase the intensity of your regular workouts in short spurts. Do your normal pace for five minutes, then a slightly increased pace for one minute, then back to your normal pace, then an even more slightly increased pace for one minute. Continue this patter until you’ve completed your workout.
  4. Look for fun ways to work out. If you’re social, trade your weekly dinner with a friend for a long walk & coffee; if you’re competitive, join a team; if you love the outdoors, scrap your gym workout for a hike – well you get the idea. If you’re having fun working out, then you’ll stick with it, maybe even adding more workouts to your week. Wouldn’t that be lovely!
  5. If you find it difficult to not have an after dinner snack then aim to make it a fresh fruit or veggie.
  6. Don’t avoid carbs – you need them for energy. Just make sure they are good-for-you carbs such as whole grains, beans, fresh vegetables and fruit.
  7. Omega 3 fatty acids are very important for your body – don’t eliminate fats completely, just make sure that the fats and oils you consume are of the healthy variety.
  8. Protein will fill you up and give you energy, so don’t avoid it, just be smart about it. Choose lean proteins and serve them with lots of veggies.
  9. Flavor your water with a healthy drink powder or fresh citrus juices such as lemon, lime or grapefruit. Not only will this help to keep you hydrated, it will give you something to do with your hands and mouth if you tend to eat when you’re bored, but also lemon juice helps your digestion to perform more effeciently, eliminating waste more quickly and can even relieve constipation.
  10. Add strength training to your workout routine. You’ll feel better, look better, and burn more calories throughout your day just resting.
  11. When weight training, make sure to give your body a day of rest in between workouts. If you want to workout every day you can choose to do upper body one day and lower body the following day.
  12. Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated. Many times when you think you’re hungry you’re actually thirsty. Next time you’re hit with a craving or feel like you’re starving drink a large glass of water first and see if that takes care of things.
  13. Think of your diet as a lifestyle change, not as a temporary thing. If something isn’t working for you, rather than tough it out, look for other things that will work for you that you can live with.
  14. If you can eliminate alcohol entirely, more power to you, but for those who enjoy a drink now and then, make sure that one or two drinks aren’t the calorie equivelent of an entire meal. Look for low calorie substitutes for your favorite alcohol drinks.
  15. Make sure to eat a nutritionally balanced diet or your body can rebel causing you to crave the things its not getting. Thirst can feel like hunger (drink more water), a craving for fat can point you towards a cheesecake binge …
  16. Avoid empty calories in sugary drinks like soda & juice. Substitute plain water, flavored water and diet drinks for these sugared beverages whenever possible.
  17. If motivation is a problem for you then look for ways to support your weight loss efforts such as a walking club, a friend you meet at the gym, joining a sports team …
  18. Look for low calorie or healthier substitutes for your favorite high calorie foods.
  19. When you find yourself turning to food for comfort, out of boredom or for reasons that have nothing to do with being hungry, pay attention. Stop. Ask yourself why you’re eating and if anything else will help other than food. Now to be realistic, you may not be able to to do this in the moment, but later, stop and take a look at your choices and see if you can substitute healthier behaviors than eating yourself away from your goal.
  20. Look for ways to add calorie burners to your day. We all know the basics, park further away from your destination, take the stairs instead of the elevator but here are some ideas you may not have thought of:
  • walk to your co-workers desk instead of sending an email or using the inter-office mail service
  • when at the park with your kids keep moving, either playing with them or walking the perimeter of the play area or bring stretch tubing and do a strength training session
  • do leg lifts while brushing your teeth or blow drying your hair
  • do squats over the toilet instead of sitting down
  • walk in place or around the room while talking on the phone
  • when driving, pull your navel towards your spine and/or clench your buttocks
  • use a back pack or bicycle saddlebags so that you can do errands on your bicycle instead of in your car
  • use a bicycle sidecar to take your little one to school or on errands with you

The Real Reason Why Losing Belly Fat is a Good Idea

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More and more people are becoming aware of how they look and this has set the stage for a rise in interest in fitness and weight loss programs. Eliminating belly fat seems to be the focus of many new fitness programs and books on how to lose weight fast. Although it’s good that people are making an effort towards exercising and losing weight so that they can feel confident with the way they look, there is a more important reason why a flatter belly is a good goal.

The health constraints that a bulging stomach imposes on your body is something that should be considered when aiming for a flat belly. Excessive belly fat is a sure sign of visceral or intra-abdominal fat, which is linked to high insulin, high cholesterol, high triglycerides, high blood pressure and many other health challenges. This kind of fat may be the most dangerous kind of fat and can increase your risk of diabetes, heart disease, stroke and some types of cancers. So when you’re dreaming of a new set of washboard abs, let your inspiration be not only looking fantastic in a bathing suit but also living a longer and healthier life.

Now that you have a solid goal in mind, now that you’re motivated to start moving towards a healthier lifestyle, now that you have a picture of the swimsuit you want to wear pinned up on your dream board, there are many effective ways to lose belly fat. Some of these programs and tips are easier than most people think. While working your core muscles is helpful towards getting a flat belly, contrary to popular belief, sit-ups, crunches, and all those exercise machines
designed to target the abdominal muscles are not the best way to get a flatter tummy. Your stomach muscles may be carved into a six-pack but you won’t be any closer to your swimsuit, weight loss or health goals if your six-pack is covered with a layer of fat. Regular aerobic exercise and a healthy diet will burn more fat than these targetted routines because these are designed to burn fat and build muscle all over your body. The good news is that since the abdomen stores more fat than any other part of your body, the belly fat is usually the first to melt away.

Aiming for tighter abs because you want to look good is not a bad goal but remember that a flat stomach has extreme health advantages that will take you a longer way towards a happy life than the right swimsuit will.

Working Out

Benefits of Owning a Portable Treadmill

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Have you purchased fitness equipment only to move it to your garage, shed, or basement? And once the workout equipment is out of sight, you of course, forget about it and stop using it. Your expensive treadmill, Bowflex, rowing machine … ends up gathering dust and taking up storage space that could be put to better use.

The problem many people face when buying home gym equipment is space. These machines don’t look that large at the department store or even online, and you think that they will fit fine in your spare bedroom, but once the machine is in your home, you realize that it is much larger than it seems. In order to save space the machine gets moved out of the house and is never used again.

Portable gym equipment can help you remedy this situation. There are many different options available, but a portable treadmill, in particular, is a great way to have workout equipment in your home without concern for taking up too much space. They can easily be stored and taken out when needed for a workout, with convenient and easy folding on the machine.

There are both manual and electric models available. The most portable options will be the manual units because they are lighter than most electric ones available, most weighing as little as 50 pounds, making them easy to move from place to place. Besides the benefit of portability, these machines also have a display to help you track to fitness progress with a calorie counter and distance and time indicators.

Most motorized treadmills will come with many more features and benefits than their manual counterparts. One great example is the NordicTrack EXP2000. It is a motorized portable treadmill that has 9 built-in workouts to keep you motivated and help you avoid boredom. These machines are heavier than the 50lb manual options, but are easier to use and have more features.

If having gym machines in your home is appealing, but you are short on space, consider getting a portable treadmill for their space saving benefits. They can be a much better investment than bulky machines that will end up not being used.

Basic Information

Starch Substitutes for Food Combining

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Breading for a Starch Meal

Try not to fry, instead brush or spray a cookie sheet with oil and “oven fry”. It’s important to use a flat sheet or cookie sheet rather than a pan with high sides, otherwise your food will bake, not “fry”. Even better, place a cooling rack inside a roasting pan. Spray rack with oil and place your food on the rack before baking.

  • whole grain bread, crumbed in a blender or food processor
  • whole grain flour
  • For a thicker coating dip food in nondairy milk, veggie broth, or any other liquid (even water) before dredging.

Baked Goods

These substitutions don’t work well for cookies, but are great for cookie bars, cakes and other baked goods. Since I don’t eat eggs very often I keep a couple cartons of frozen egg white in the freezer to use when baking.

  • Two egg whites for one whole egg.
  • Replace white flour with sifted whole grain flour for a Starch Meal, using 1/4 less than the recipe calls for.
  • Replace sugar with Stevia , Splenda, Truvia, honey, agave nectar, pure maple syrup, pr any other unrefined sugar. You’ll have to experiment with the amount that will satisfy you and work with your recipe.
  • Substitute cocoa powder and unsweetened or bittersweet (bittersweet does have some sugar though) chocolate wherever you can. Adjust the sweetener to compensate for the loss of sugar that would have been in the semi-sweet or milk chocolate.

Crusts for a dessert

  • For a pastry crust use a whole wheat pastry crust. If you’ve got the time you could make whole wheat tortillas, adding in some ground nuts, flavoring extract and acceptable sweetener and use those in place of a pastry crust. Another idea would be to use a crumb crust, using store bought  or home made natural cookies, instead of a pastry crust.

Crusts for an entree

  • For a pastry crust use a whole wheat pastry crust. If you don’t have a recipe for one I’ll be publishing one on the Starch Recipes page sometime in the near future.
  • Whole wheat tortillas.
  • For a crumb crust make sure that the crumb mixture consists of whole grains or ground nuts.


Use the chart below to choose a potato that’s lower in starch. Keep in mind though that a potato’s starch content determines the best way to use it. The rule of thumb: the more starch a potato has, the less moisture it contains, which results in a fluffier texture when cooked. Note: new potatoes (which are often red potatoes) can be any type of potato that’s been picked before it matures. They have the same starch content of the mature potato.

I buy mostly low starch potatoes and use them in place of the more traditional Russet or Baking potatoes. They cost a little more, but what would you pay to lose a pound?

High Starch

Medium Starch

Low Starch

Russet Long Whites Round Whites
Baking Yukon Gold Eastern
Idaho Finnish Butter Purple Peruvian
Round Reds


Diced or chopped: For the most part, as long as your serving this recipe with a Starch meal, (not a Protein meal) it’s okay to leave the potatoes in. However if you’ve had a lot of potato in your diet lately you may want to use one of the following substitutes:

  • cauliflower is the most direct substitute for potatoes and one you can always count on.
  • mushrooms
  • carrots
  • green beans
  • jicima

Pureed: Use cauliflower instead of potatoes.

Mashed Potato Crust or Topping

  • mashed cauliflower
  • whole grain biscuit dough
  • brown or wild rice crust
  • whole grain pastry dough

Here are some breads you can purchase:

  1. Ezekiel bread (made with sprouted grains
  2. whole wheat pita bread
  3. whole wheat tortillas (Since fat free whole wheat tortillas are difficult to find and generally taste horrible, I’ve included a very simple recipe.)
  4. Whole wheat lavosh. These are fat free and taste great. Many supermarkets carry them, and almost every health food store I’ve shopped at. Very cheap, very big, excellent for wraps. I use these in place of tortillas all the time.
  5. Whole grain naan.


Basic Recipes

Fat Free Whole Wheat Tortillas

You won’t miss the fat in this recipe, and they’re so easy to make. A really fun family project. You mix up the dough, and divide it. Then let one family member roll out the tortillas, another cook them, another fill them, another roll them, another stack them in a baking pan to keep in a warm oven. Because making tortillas will coats my kitchen with a flour residue I always make as many as I can at a time and freeze or refrigerate the leftovers.

  • whole wheat flour
  • water
  • salt to taste
  • optional: herbs fresh herbs are best, but if you don’t have them use dried, just in lesser quantities: basil, oregano, cilantro, rosemary, sage, minced garlic, minced dried tomatoes, cumin, coriander, fennel, cinnamon, finely minced citrus zest … You might also want to try mixing a little flavoring extract into the water especially if you’re making a dessert tortilla. Vanilla, rum, coconut, chocolate, or orange extracts go great with cinnamon and/or citrus zest. I haven’t yet tried using flavoring for non-dessert tortillas but I’d like to try tequila, vodka, maybe even wine. Don’t worry about the alcohol, it burns off when you cook the tortillas. If you try it, please e-mail me with details of your experience.

Mix the flour with enough water to form a stiff, but workable dough. Cover dough and let rest for at least 30 minutes or refrigerate and proceed the next day. Cut dough into equal sized pieces, depending on how large you want your tortillas. On a floured work surface with a floured rolling pin, roll each dough ball into a thin tortilla. Heat griddle or heavy pan. Place first tortilla in pan and let it cook while you roll out the next tortilla. When the tortilla bubbles on the top and has small brown dots on the underside, turn it over. It will cook very quickly on the second side. Continue cooking and rolling until all of your dough is used.

Fat-Free Whole Wheat Bread

Stir 2 packages yeast into 2 cups warm (not hot) water and 1 cup low-fat or non-fat rice or nut milk. Allow 3-4 minutes for yeast to dissolve, then add 1 tablespoon salt, 1/4 cup date or maple sugar and 4 1/2 cups whole wheat flour, and any of the optional ingredients below. Knead for 2 minutes, adding a bit more flour to keep the dough from being too sticky. If using a food processor mix ingredients in processor, knead for 10 seconds. Let rest for 10 minutes. Add another cup of flour, kneading the dough for 10 minutes, adding more flour if necessary to keep dough from being too sticky. Using food processor mix for 30 seconds to 1 minute, until dough is elastic. At this point you can either continue to make the bread or freeze all or half of it. If you’re using frozen dough, let it thaw in the refrigerator for 8 hours or overnight, then proceed. Oil the bowl, place a towel or plate over it and set to rise in a warm place for 2 hours. Or you can set the oven to warm, turn off, and place dough bowl in oven, uncovered. Punch down the dough. You now may add anything from the list below. Divide the dough in half and place in nonstick or lightly oiled loaf pan. Cover with towel or oiled saran wrap and let rise 1 hour. Bake in preheated 350 degree oven for 50-60 minutes until browned and sounds slightly hollow when you thump the bottom of the loaf. Let it cool on a rack or towel before slicing.

You may add at least 1 cup and up to 2 cups of any of the wonderful ingredients below:

  • green or black olives (don’t bother slicing them, but make sure they’re pitted!)
  • roasted onions
  • roasted garlic
  • any fresh herbs you have on hand (rosemary, oregano, basil, thyme, marjoram …)
  • chunks or shredded soy or nut cheese
  • minced dried tomatoes with roasted onion, roasted garlic and fresh herbs
  • 1 cup ground  or minced nuts
  • substitute chicken, beef, vegetable broth, water from steamed vegetables, or from soaking dried tomatoes or mushrooms for the water
  • minced veggies: carrots, broccoli, spinach, onion, garlic, mushrooms, bell peppers

I prefer to bake all my breads in shaped bread tins (order tins). They come in several different shapes and while that’s fun, it’s really the texture of the loaf that I’m after. Because these pans have a cap on both ends, the bread turns out very compact and can be thinly sliced, which makes for wonderful sandwiches and “holders” for bruschetta and other spreads. If you have kids you may find you have more luck getting them to eat whole wheat bread if you serve it to them in these fun shapes. As an alternative (to the kids turning up their noses dilemma) you can make their sandwiches and then use cookie cutters to cut them into shapes. Depending on the sandwich filling I save the discards in a plastic bag in the freezer and use them later to make bread pudding or strada.

When using shaped bread tins don’t allow the bread to rise beyond what it normally would while defrosting. If using bread dough straight from the bowl, let it rise 30 to 60 minutes, punch down, shape into a thick snake and slip into lightly greased bread tins.


Vegetable “Pasta”

Sometimes it’s handy to have a substitute for whole grain pasta, such as when you are wanting to get more veggies into your diet. This is actually a “Neutral” recipe, suitable for either a Starch or Protein sauce.

Using a vegetable peeler or the slicing side of a grater make long, thin strips of any of the following:

  • broccoli stalk (first peel and discard tough outer portion of stalk and 1/4 inch off end of stalk)
  • carrot (first peel and discard tough outer layer and don’t forget this is a starch)
  • zucchini
  • beet (first peel and discard tough outer layer and don’t forget this is a starch)
  • sweet potato (don’t forget this is a starch)
  • fennel
  • turnips
  • taro root
  • bamboo shoots
  • spaghetti squash
  • tofu: freeze a block of firm tofu, then cut into noodle size strips. Heat through or saute to brown.

Don’t risk scraping your knuckles by worrying about getting the very last bit of each vegetable. I save the “bits” and use them in other dishes, eat them right then, or freeze them and use to make a vegetable broth.

If you’ve used the slicer section of the grater to make your veggie strips you’ll need to stack the slices and cut them into 1/4 – 1/2 inch wide strips. Lightly steam or dry saute the veggie strips until “al dente”. Top with butter and a sprinkling of soy Parmesan cheese, shredded soy or nut cheese, or any of your favorite pasta sauces.

Soy Mayo

Puree in blender 1/2 a package soft tofu, juice from 1/2 a small lemon or lime, sea salt & pepper to taste. When tofu is smooth, you may have to stop and scrape down the sides once or twice, with the blender still running drizzle in 1/4-1/2 cup extra-virgin olive oil until mayo is desired thickness. Also taste the mayo – if it tastes a bit floury add more oil.

If you don’t like the strong taste of extra-virgin olive oil you could use canola oil or nut or seed oil instead. Be aware that olive oil and canola oil are the most hearth healthy, but an occasional foray into nut and seed oil won’t be harmful and you may relish the change every now and then.

Whole Grain Breads

Basic Information

Protein Substitutes for Food Combining

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Breading for a Protein Meal

Can be fried in any type of oil, but olive or canola oil is the best.
The following (except for the soy flour) can also be used to substitute for bread crumbs.

  • ground pork rinds – sounds gross but their slight bacon-y flavor works well in most recipes
  • soy flour
  • ground sesame seeds
  • ground sunflower seeds
  • ground nuts
  • any mixture of the above

Crust for an entree

  • If your recipe calls for a rice crust substitute textured protein granules, soy granules or finely chopped nuts. You may need to add extra moisture to hold the crust together. You can add water, softened or melted butter, broth, or just omit the crust.
  • For recipes calling for a pastry crust substitute crepes or melt butter in an omelette pan, thinly coat bottom of pan with egg and cook until done; or butter pan and dust with finely grated parmesan cheese or just skip the crust.

Crust for a dessert

  • For a crumb crust substitute ground nuts or sesame seeds mixed with a little soy flour.
  • For a pastry crust substitute soy flour pastry in your favorite crust recipe or use a crumb crust.


  • Frozen egg substitute or egg whites. Make sure that you buy the kind which has no additives.
  • Substitute two egg whites for one whole egg in baked goods, except cookies.
  • Use one whole egg and two to three egg whites and you won’t notice any difference in the taste.
  • Baked Goods (these substitutions don’t work well for cookies, but work very well for cookie bars, cakes & pies.)
  • Two egg whites for one whole egg in baked goods, except for cookies.
  • Replace oil with the same amount of pureed Fruit. Pumpkin, and applesauce are the best because they are low in carbs, next on the carb count meter are dates and prunes and bananas are way too high in carbs to use when on a high protein diet.
  • Replace white flour with soy flour.
  • Replace sugar with Splenda, Truvia, Sweet n Low or Stevia if you’re trying to lose weight, Equal or other aspartame sweetener if you’re on maintenance. Experiment with the amount of sweetener that will work with your recipe. If you’re making a Fruit dessert add 1/2 teaspoon – 1 tablespoon baking soda before adding the sugar substitute. The baking soda counters the tartness of the Fruit, allowing you to add less sweetener.
  • Don’t use sucrose, molasses, raw sugar or cane sugar. All of these will sabotage your carb count.
  • Substitute cocoa powder and unsweetened or bittersweet (bittersweet does have some sugar though) chocolate wherever you can. Adjust the sweetener to compensate for the loss of sugar that would have been in the semi-sweet or milk chocolate.

Basic Protein Recipes

This bread is so easy to make I often make a double batch and spread the extra batter onto an oiled jelly roll pan or pizza pan. Bake the bread for 15 minutes and you’ve got a pizza crust. Yea, bet you thought you’d never eat pizza again!

Protein Cheese Bread

  • 2/3 cups soy flour
  • 2/3 cups whey powder (found in health food stores)
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder
  • 4 eggs
  • 2 tablespoons sour cream, cream cheese, tofu or ricotta cheese
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil or melted butter
  • 1-2 cups shredded cheese (cheddar, swiss, mozzarella, parmesan, or whatever you have)

Mix all ingredients well and pour into well greased loaf pan. Bake in preheated 275 degree oven for one hour. Test with toothpick inserted into middle of loaf. You should see moist crumbs clinging to your tester but not wet crumbs. If the outside of your loaf is getting too brown cover the top with aluminum foil or if the sides and bottom are getting too brown. Take the loaf out of the oven. Let cool completely, carefully slice and spread slices out on an oiled baking sheet. Bake at 350 degrees until bread is done.


  • 4-8 slices crisply cooked crumbled bacon and 1/4 teaspoon black pepper
  • 1/4 – 1/2 cup chopped, sliced or whole black or green olives, use parmesan or mozzarella cheese
  • 1 tablespoon fresh herbs, or1 teaspoon dried herbs

Dairy-free version:
Use nondairy cheese, cream cheese, and sour cream in place of regular cheese.

Substitutes for Bread Sandwiches

  • cucumber slices
  • lettuce leaves with filling inside)
  • roasted eggplant slices (cut eggplant in 1/4″ slices, place on greased baking sheet, sprinkle with salt if desired, broil for 5 minutes on each side)
  • carrots cut lengthwise into thin strips
  • filled celery sticks
  • sausage patty
  • roll up inside deli-sliced meat or cheese
  • a slab of cold meat or cheese

More Protein Recipes

Coming Soon: The UnDiet: 2 Weeks of Extremely Low Carb Menus & Recipes

Basic Information

List of Substitutes For Practicing Food Combining

Published by:

Some substitutes are perfectly acceptable, others are somewhat acceptable (indicated by italicized type) and therefore should be used only occasionally or if you just must have that particular item (i.e. comfort food, family or peer pressure, having a party …). If there is no entry under a certain column that means that there is no substitute needed for that food group. If an entry spans two or more columns then it works for those two or three food groups.

This page is a full list of all the UnDiet substitutes. If you’re focusing on a Protein Blast or meat free diet you can print out either the Protein Substitutes or Starch Substitutes pages.

Soy products that contain Starches such as grain syrup or food starch are in a small enough amount that if you’re on a vegetarian diet you can safely use them in place of meat in Protein dishes.




Baked Goods


Substitute cocoa powder and a little
butter, or unsweetened chocolate or carob. Adjust the sweetener
to compensate for the loss of sugar that would have been in the semi-sweet
or milk chocolate.


These substitutions don’t work well for cookies, but are great for all
other baked goods.

To reduce fat you can substitute liquid egg, 1/4 cup
= 1 egg
Three egg yolks = one whole egg.

3 tablespoons pureed or well mashed tofu for each egg called
for. It really does work!


Replace white flour with 1/2 the amount of soy flour,
so 1 cup of all purpose flour becomes 1/2 cup soy flour.

Replace 1/4 of the flour with ground nuts, seeds, or ground
dried vegetables.

Replace white flour with sifted whole grain flour, using
1/4 less than the recipe calls for. Tip: oat flour has the lightest taste
and color.


Replace sugar with Stevia, Sucanat, honey,
pure maple syrup, date or maple sugar. Experiment to find the amount that
will satisfy you.



. non-alcoholic beer


. roasted grain beverages decaf

cream instead of milk, half & half or non-dairy creamer

date/maple sugar instead of white sugar or sugar sub.


sparkling water with fresh Fruit juice


dilute with
water (the French do it), sparkling water if you must

Breading & Breadcrumbs


  • pork rinds
  • sesame seeds
  • nuts
  • soy flour
  • any mixture of the above
whole grain bread crumbs

whole grain flour


  • sesame seeds
  • nuts
  • soy flour
  • any mixture of the above

Crust for a Dessert

A crust can often be omitted or use one of these

Pastry crust: soy flour pastry crust.

Protein Crepe with sweetener added.

whole wheat pastry

whole wheat tortilla or lavosh coated with butter and/or honey/maple

Crumb Crust: sugar free whole grain  cookies or graham crackers

Crumb crust: ground nuts with a little soy flour.

Crust for an Entree

A crust can often be omitted or use one of these

Rice Crust: soy granules or finely chopped
nuts. You may need to add extra moisture to hold the crust together, you
can add water, softened or melted butter, broth.

Pastry Crust: Protein Crepes, or melt butter in an omelette pan, thinly
coat bottom with egg and cook until done, or Soy Flour Crust.

whole wheat pastry crust

whole wheat tortillas

crumb crust: whole grains, ground nuts or seeds




American, Cheddar, Mozzarella or Jack Cheese

nondairy or real dairy cheese such as rice, almond
or soy cheese
nondairy cheese .soy or almond cheese

condensed milk

Pour 1 cup water and 4 cups soy powder
into a large saucepan. Let sit for 2 hours, then bring
to a boil and boil for 20 minutes. Remove from heat and add (for sweetened
condensed milk 2 cups unrefined
) 1 tablespoon vanilla extract and 1/4 cup
stirring until dissolved. Makes 1 quart. Store in refrigerator
up to 2 months.

cottage cheese

Mash firm tofu with a fork, add a little heavy

cream cheese

nondairy cream cheese

farmers cheese/hoop cheese

Mix nondairy cream cheese & roughly
mashed tofu.


soy or almond milk any nondairy milk soy or almond milk

ricotta cheese

. Same as cottage cheese.


. nondairy sour cream or nondairy yogurt creme fraiche or clabbered cream


Frozen egg substitute tastes great and is
healthy. Make sure that you buy one with no additives.

Two egg whites for one whole egg, except in cookies.

One whole egg and two to three egg whites and you won’t notice any difference
in the taste.

1/4 cup well mashed tofu for each egg 1/4 cup well mashed
tofu for each egg


Roux Sauces

soy flour instead of white or wheat flour whole wheat or oat flour instead of white
Add water  to heavy cream  to
sub for milk or half & half or use soymilk.

Tomato Paste Tomato Sauce Tomato Pasta Sauce

Tomato Paste
Soak dried tomatoes in medium hot water for an hour – overnight.
Puree using only enough of the soaking liquid to make a thick puree.
Tip: For a shorter soaking time dice the tomatoes before adding

Tomato Sauce: add more liquid.

Pasta Sauce:Add broth, cream, olive oil or combo until sauce
is desired consistency. (Stir in spices.) Allow flavors to meld for
15 – 30 minutes.

Add Dried Tomato Paste or sauce at the end of a recipe so
the tomatoes don’t cook. For a richer flavor add the tomato paste
or sauce and let rest for 15 – 30 minutes. Reheat if necessary,
taking care not to let it boil.

If it’s impossible to add the tomatoes at the end use pureed
roasted red bell peppers instead as they can be cooked.


. .. . .


tomatoes, yellow or orange bell pepper, fennel,
.. . .


onion, celery, bell pepper .. . .


cauliflower, onion, fennel, jicima (yes it can
be cooked!)
.. . .


red bell pepper, yellow tomatoes
(they’re less acidic than red tomatoes) or Slow Cooked
: place cored tomatoes cut in 8-10 wedges
or chunks skin side down on a baking sheet lined with oiled
foil. Bake at 115 degrees for 4-8 hours depending on
how moist you want them.  Check every 60 minutes. Since these take so
long to dry I make 2 full trays & freeze the excess.

winter squash

yellow or orange bell pepper, fennel, cauliflower .. . .

Detailed List of Foods: Proteins, Starches, Neutrals

Published by:

go_undiet1Review your packaged foods with this detailed list. You can filter the list by whatever it is you’re watching in your UnDiet, fiber, sugar, fat, transfats …

This page is designed to educate you as to what food group a particular food belongs in – Neutral, Protein or Starch. Use this list to guide you in planning meals and help you to choose appropriate substitutes.



    brown rice
    couscous, whole wheat
    wild rice


    black beans
    black-eyed peas
    garbanzo beans
    kidney beans
    lentils (come in many colors)
    lima beans
    mung beans
    navy beans
    pinto beans
    split peas


Seeds are best eaten raw as toasting or roasting destroys their digestive enzymes. That said, a toasted pumpkin seed is a wonderful thing to behold. Since seeds are high in calories use them as a garnish rather than eat them by the handful.



Avoid pasta made with anything other than a whole grain.

    artichoke flour
    brown rice flour
    buckwheat such as soba noodles
    whole wheat


Look for cereals made with:

    whole grains
    no refined sugars

Starch Ingredients:

These become starches only when cooked:
Use fresh potatoes. Frozen and dried potato products contain additives which make them difficult to digest. Exceptions can be found in health food stores. corn starch (use browned whole wheat or arrowroot flour instead)

    fructose (made from corn)
    potatoes including sweet potatoes & yams
    potato flour
    soy sauce (wheat free can be found in health food stores)


Note: the following is one of the more stringent food combining rules – keep each Protein group separate as it takes different digestive juices to digest each group. Honestly, I don’t follow this rule most of the time, but hey – maybe if I did I could lose those last ten excruciating pounds!


Use raw (unpasteurized) dairy products whenever possible. All dairy products contain casein and should be avoided as much as possible.

Cheeses: avoid yellow cheeses if you can, they contain dyes

    cream cheese
    cottage cheese
    farmers cheese
    half & half
    hoop cheese
    milk (avoid completely)
    ricotta cheese
    yogurt (avoid completely)



    bacon and sausage – be careful of chemical additives
    red meat
    shell fish


Nuts are a carb/protein mix so limit them and remember that toasting or roasting destroys their digestive enzymes. The list below shows those nuts with the higher protein counts first.
macademia, pine nuts
almonds, pecans, pumpkin seeds, walnuts
hazelnuts, filberts, peanuts, pistachio
mixed nuts, peanut butter, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds
soybeans, cashews
coconut, almond paste

Protein Ingredients:



While vegetables are a carbohydrate they’re considered Neutral and can be eaten with any other food. The only time you need to be aware of vegetables as a carbohydrate is when you’re on an extended (more than one day) Protein Binge.

All vegetables (except Starch Vegetables when cooked)

    agar-agar (gelatin substitute made from seaweed)
    agave nectar
    honey, preferably raw, unfiltered
    maple syrup
    nuts, preferably raw
    soy flour
    soy milk (check label for chemicals or processed sugars)
    soy products (check label)
    soy nuts (check label for chemicals)
    tofu – silken, soft, medium, firm, baked

The predominant element in the foods below is fat. These can be used with both Proteins and Starches as the fat makes them Neutral.

    creme fraiche
    whipping or heavy cream